
The Irish ME/CFS Association works to promote greater understanding and awareness of ME/CFS in the general public, medical profession and other related services.

Check out our Latest News for information on the upcoming talks around the country in May.

More information about our information related activities coming soon on this page ...

Other National and International ME/CFS Groups' websites

ME Advocates Ireland (MEAI), founded in 2017, are a non-profit volunteer advocacy group who are committed to changing the healthcare provision for those with ME in Ireland by promoting greater understanding and education re ME in the general public, medical profession and health services, the HSE and Dept of health and others, with the aim of bettering conditions for people with ME.

25% Group (UK) - for the 25% of ME sufferers who are severely affected.

ME Association (UK) - "Helping to make the UK a better place for people with ME/CFS".

Invest in ME Research (UK) - "an independent UK charity campaigning for bio-medical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), as defined by WHO-ICD-10-G93.3. "

Irish ME Trust - the other national ME Group (separate to the Irish ME/CFS Association). 

Other interesting websites:

The Irish ME Tips Collection contains information on coping with severe ME.

Phoenix Rising - "Supporting people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). This site explores treatments, experiences and research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.