
Sit velit


Check out our Latest News for information on our upcoming events, including the talks being held around the country for ME Awareness month (May) from May 7th - 15th 2024.

More information about recent and upcoming events coming soon  ...  


Webinar for Irish GPs with New Zealand ME/CFS expert, Dr Ros Vallings.

We advertised this webinar in medical publications and sent a mailshot to all Irish GPs we had addresses for (2764) both highlighting the webinar as well as attempting to educate using various pieces of informational material. 

We polled our members on how €32,000 from our research fund should be distributed (€31,000 was subsequently dispersed in 2023). 

A public webinar incl. a questions-and-answers session was organised with a pair of international experts; a recording was subsequently posted on YouTube. 

 We included a ME Research UK Breakthrough magazine with the Summer and November newsletters; 

We also sent out the 52-page “ME/CFS Survival Guide” (Bateman Horne Center). We also included some extra enclosures such as articles to give to a GP. 

One person with ME ran a successful fundraiser for our research fund when representing Cork East in the Miss Ireland competition. She also helped to generate articles in the local & national media. 

With our help, the Irish Times prepared a full-page article on ME. Which featured among others our treasurer and another member. At one stage this was the third most read article on the Irish Times website (we highlighted it widely on the Internet). 

We dispersed for free a new booklet, "Fibromyalgia & M.E." to over 150 people. There were also a small number of other fundraisers for us including some we were involved in helping to organise +/or publicise.  

We again sent out lots of e-bulletins in between newsletters. 

?Seventy-four were sent out in 2022. Seventy of these were 10 items long (with the last item being something humorous). The bulletins included various requests for information from members. We continued to be in contact with many individuals and ME/CFS groups and fora in other countries.


The Association continued to use our Instagram account during the year for a 3rd year. By year end, 457 items had been posted with the account having 1643 followers, an increase of 519 from the end of 2021.

Our @irishmecfsassoc account, on Twitter, continued for an 8th year. By the end of the year, we had 2086 followers, an increase of 307 over the 12 months. We had tweeted or re-tweeted approximately 3,500 tweets during the year. Among other things, this included posting at least one awareness image and awareness video every day during ME Awareness month. 

Mastodon: We joined Mastodon ( in late November 2022 as we are not sure how things will go with Twitter where we have run an account for many years. By year end, we had made 169 toots and had 82 followers.

Our past events and activities can be viewed here.