Good news: We have received our first money from the Revenue Commissioners from the Charitable Donation Scheme

Very pleased that the Irish ME/CFS Association has got to this stage.

It has taken a lot of behind-the-scenes work by committee members of the Irish ME/CFS Association to get to this stage.



The Association was set up way back in 1987.

2013: We started the process of moving towards charitable status e.g. researching constitutions that are suitable

2014: Consult with membership over proposals

2015: Applied for charitable status with the Charities Regulatory Authority

2017: Approved for charitable status with the Charities Regulatory Authority (i.e. get a RCN). Apply for a CHY number from the Revenue Commissioners

2018: Approved by the Revenue Commissioners for a CHY number. Start our 2-year probation period to qualify for the Charitable Donation Scheme.

2020: Apply for Charitable Donation Scheme with the Revenue Commissioners and then approved.

2020-2023: Concentrate on working through the Charities Governance Code. There is a 4-year time limit on claims so we don't need to apply immediately.

2024: Apply for and obtain our first money under Charitable Donation Scheme.

We estimate that we are still owed around €1000 based on a form we have just submitted for another donor and money from 2023 that we expect we were not approved for yet because probably not everyone has submitted their taxes.

Most of this money is for our research fund from people who have standing orders.

Money per year is small but we are a relatively low-cost group with no paid employees or premises. Hopefully we can grow it in time.

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